Where does your state stand on Indian Innovation Index?


Original article here by Varun B. Krishnan

A Redesign Static Data Visualization Project created as part of the Data Visualization course - Jan 2020, IIT Bombay

India is ranked 52nd among 129 nations in the Global Innovation Index 2019. It has been consistently improving its rank. According to NITI Aayog’s India Innovation Index report 2019, the country’s human capital is high, but it has been unable to produce corresponding outcomes.


Global Picture

India stands third in innovation among BRICS nations, but is still far behind China, according to the Global Innovation Index (Scores from 0-100). In India, three of the five innovators among the major States were in the south. Sikkim topped among the northeastern States. It is to be noted that the index report classifies States into three categories - major States, hill & northeast States and Union Territories & smaller States. The map is based on NITI Aayog's index. The innovation framework has two main dimensions: enablers (human capital, investment, business environment) and performance (knowledge output, knowledge diffusion).

Examples of enabler indicators include number of students of engineering and technology, FDI inflows and number of incubators. Performance indicators include number of patents filed, number of Geographical Indication tags etc.


Input-outcome gap

In 29 out of 36 States and UTs, the scores of the enabler metrics are higher than the performance scores (ranges 0-100) indicating an outcome gap relative to inputs. The gap between the two scores is highest for Punjab and Gujarat (among major States)


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